Aviation History Online

Other type of aviation that makes a big impact in our lives is helicopters. Hospitals have special landing facilities for helicopters and are the safest and fastest means of transport. Many lives are saved daily such as road accident victims and mountain climbers. Helicopters monitor the congestions and traffic conditions so that those of us on the road can travel quickly and safely. Private aircraft are very popular for companies and not just rich men’s toys, but business can be conducted efficiently and quickly. Military aircraft often are not only used for military exercises, but supplies and medicines to other parts of the world. The current crisis in Somalia would not have been assisted if it was not for aircraft flying in medicines, supplies and food. Many circuses were alleviated due to aviation such in the case of Japan. Aviation plays a big role in our lives.

Other type of aviation that makes a big impact in our lives is helicopters. Hospitals have special landing facilities for helicopters and are the safest and fastest means of transport. Many lives are saved daily such as road accident victims and mountain climbers. Helicopters monitor the congestions and traffic conditions so that those of us on the road can travel quickly and safely. Private aircraft are very popular for companies and not just rich men’s toys, but business can be conducted efficiently and quickly. Military aircraft often are not only used for military exercises, but supplies and medicines to other parts of the world. The current crisis in Somalia would not have been assisted if it was not for aircraft flying in medicines, supplies and food. Many circuses were alleviated due to aviation such in the case of Japan. Aviation plays a big role in our lives.

People think Aviation is just a means of transport and although it is it actually plays a much bigger role in our lives. If you look at an ordinary airliner like the Boeing 737 and all over the world someone is boarding one of those thousands of planes by the hundreds in order to take them to another part of the world. If you visit an airport you will find planes coming and going in minutes and that is just the airport you are visiting. It is used not for only long distances, but also inland so you save so much time if you need to get somewhere urgently within your country.